Sunday 14 September 2008

Art Sunday, Rossetti

Joan of Ark, Rosetti


Joan of Arc

kissing the Sword of Deliverance,


Dante Charles Gabriel Rossetti

For a while there I thought I wouldn't be doing Art Sunday and then I changed my mind. Here is the greatest cross dresser of all time

A very short Art Sunday this week, for lots of reasons and it is the last one that will be open to the public. I have never restricted viewing to any of my posts before but I think the time has come to be a little more careful about who can and who cannot view what I post.  In future, starting next week, every Art Sunday, or any other Art and image based post,  posted by me, will only be  viewable by  my immediate contacts. This  will probably  also include poetry Wednesday because  I usually  use lots of images to illustrate the poem.

PLEASE..........if you normally participate in Art Sunday or Poetry Wednesday, or if you just come by to check out these posts,  send an invite and become my contact.
thank you


  1. I remember the Orange Blind by one of the colourists and I think it is a very sad thing that you need to limit these features.

  2. so do I, but what else can I do?? And to make matters worse i now discover I am unable to post a full size picture here. Not sure if this is a temporary glitch or if this is the way things are to be for non-paying members. If this tiny image is all we are allowed I don't see much point in posting images in blogs anymore anyway

  3. Good to see you continuing. I also remember the orange shade. You can also set your posts for 'network' and keep them off of the Internet and google searches. I expect that Anne sent you the invite to keep track of what you did with the Eardly post, because you could have changed the setting and blocked her.

  4. Thanks Fank, I know I could set it to network but I have decided to keep to contacts only. I am already a contact of most people who participate in Art Sunday and Poetry Wednesday so I'm hoping this will work.
    Do you know why I can't post a full size image?? is this little picture all we are allowed now??

  5. Cross-dressing and androgeny - artists have painted females with male characteristics (check out Joan's bull-neck!) and males with female ones. Right now I've been reading a book about the history of La Gioconda - the Mona babe - and there are images in that book of Renaissance artists who were into the androgeny thing. Also with the Pre-Raphaelites.

    Oh btw, Loretta, the picture size thing, not possible any more except with a premium account. I've been thinking myself of going premium, mostly because of all the enjoyment I get out of Multiply and the amount of time I spend here. I like to see my M'mates each day. Cheers mate!

  6. Apparently you have discovered that the zoom only works for albums for non-premium members. Multiply didn't restore the blog post zoom, probably an oversight on their part. They are still doing what they can to move people to paid accounts. This includes the User Support Group and their never ending 'hard overselling' of the premium account features.

  7. I have no problem with pic size but I use pics from the internet directly and am not premium,

  8. I think you're right about keeping these for contacts only. I certainly am not going to accept an invitation from this person and I doubt that any of your other contacts will either.

  9. That took so much courage and/or conviction it's hard to imagine how much she had to suffer to become the heroine we remember. Great Choice, & BTW, what is an orange blind? I noticed my blog pix would no longer zoom a while back & figured it was because I was non-Premium, which suits me, but does put a damper on my enthusiasm, since I have other venues for my pix, but not much of a network anywhere else. Have a great day!

  10. thanks, I've talked about going premium but the fact is there is no real incentive for me to do that at the moment. I have a flickr account which stores literally thousands of my photos. If Premium offered every thing flickr does I would happily pay for a premium account here and not bother renewing my flickr account. They cost about the same so swapping from one to the other would be ok, but I really don't want to end up paying for both and I don't want to lose every thing flickr has to offer
    so for now I'll stick with the way things are. I did think that maybe in future the Art Sunday posts would be better posted a photo album rather than a blog..............maybe try that. Nice of you to stop by thanks it's appreciated.

  11. Flickr would really suit what you do, and it's one of the better user accounts of Yahoo. I don't use it that much so I'm still thinking about going premium here at M. For Aussies it's $20, and that's not that much for the enjoyment I get. I guess what's tipped me over to going Premium is the fact that zoom is no longer possible with the blog pics. Clever Indeed! They'll be raking in their 20 bucks here there and everywhere. I'm not as offended by them as all that, personally.
