Monday 1 September 2008

Notice Board; portrait, site map and house guest


Introducing …………………..My Notice Board!!

The purpose of this notice board is ………..well……………to leave notices on. I’m not too sure how this will work at the moment. I guess it’s like any other notice board; you put it up and see what gets pinned to it. I think I will use it for things like leaving links and short messages. Maybe copying a couple of newsletters I get sent. Like any other notice board any one can leave any thing on it. I look after the notice boards at work and they get cleared out every week but here I guess I’ll just open up a new notice board every so often.


The first thing to pin to my new notice board has to be the painting of me by my granddaughter Erin………it’s a very good likeness.


Site map

And just so every one knows, these are the logos I’m leaving at the top of all my blogs to show at a glance what they’re about.

This one is at the top of all the art blogs


This one is at the top of the Picture perfect blogs

Music blogs

Poetry Blogs

This one is all about getting out there and enjoying the environment we live in

And this one is about protecting the environment we live in.

This is a welcome to my garden sign.

Sometimes I also use pictures of books and all these logos correspond to the boxes on the home page of my site.
So.............that's my site pretty well explained.
House Guest
Tomorrow I am having a house guest, a chap in his 70’s who is a retired fire fighter and is walking the coastline of Britain (all 4,000 miles of it) to raise funds for a children’s charity. You can track his progress on;

 you can check out his charity on

 I’m really looking forward to meeting him; imagine walking every day, all day for a year when you are in your 70’s!! What a man.


If any one wants to pin a notice on my notice board feel free.



Notice board.


My very special house guest has ended up staying a second night. Talking with this man has been so interesting I shall be quite sorry to see him go tomorrow, but the good news is every thing is logged into his blog every single night or the whole journey. It’s such an interesting read I really do recommend you find the time to visit his site.


I thought he deserved a little treat so we had tea out yesterday, think he enjoyed it.



  1. I think this is very cool. I especially like Erin's painting.

  2. I like the idea. I must come by and tack up something.

  3. kewl! very interesting house guest. how lucky to have tahat experience.

  4. nice idea notice board-and your visitor should be very interesting

  5. Morning All. Frank (or any one ) if you want to leave something for the notice board just leave it in comments or send a PM, either it doesn't matter which, and I'll put it on the board. Like I said I'm not sure how this will work but I just thought it would be nice to try something a bit different.

  6. Love this idea. I know we're going to see interesting things on the board.
