Monday 15 September 2008

Drawing class, and feeling much better

Much happier now, for three reasons;
1. the drawing class went very well, tonight was the first class of the new session after the long summer break.
2. I've found a way to post full size pictures into the blog!!
3. I am bored with this copyright's done and dusted, love Bennetts expressive opinion of it.............tish tosh ..............or words to that effect, but time to move on


girl in red and black


  1. I agree and the colors are perfect. I notice that you call it 'Girl in Red and black.' It shows orange on my page. I guess computers are not all created equal, like television screens. I am sure that it is just as striking in red. Thank you for sharing it so quickly. Did you copyright it Loretta?

  2. oh how wonderful great job-glad you figured out how to do big on your blogs like I told you I never had a problem.

  3. This is lovely. I'm so envious because the only drawings I can do are stick figures. Like Frank, it shows orange to me too. Soon we'll be posting your art on our blogs! I remember there was a retired gentleman on 360 who created wonderful pictures and also told the best stories. Seeing your picture reminded me of him. Glad this has made you feel better.

  4. I Love this!
    Wonderful, well done, this is brilliant, captured really well :)))

  5. I detect a little irony here??, no Frank I didn't copyright it, but thanks every one for your appreciative remarks, maybe I will post my drawing every week. And yes, now I look at it in daylight it is rather orange, the girl wore red and black so thats why I called it red and black.

  6. That's nice you've posted your drawing to show your friends. I like the posture of the seated figure and the expression, she looks melancholy and yet poised as if waiting for something, or maybe listening to someone. I would like to do more drawing and I did one this week, which I wasn't too happy with, but at least I got something on paper. I do much more writing these days tho'.

  7. This is really nice Loretta! You are doing Life Drawing, with a live model?
