Friday 16 March 2012

Feedback needed from all American ladies

Feedback needed from all American ladies

I've just come from a hotly debated page of a political group and one of my contacts has just said to me....
''But I am curious - of your American contacts, what is the feeling about healthcare and the current contraceptive debate? If you have a mind to, ask them what their issues and priorities are. I don't know, but it might elucidate the issue. It has me baffled. ''...............
So ladies.........all  answers, opinions and thoughts gratefully received. Don't worry, I promise this is not where I or any one else jump on people we don't agree with, this is purely an opinion finding exercise. I'm just asking the questions that I have been asked to ask :-)

Thanks ladies.
ps.............the picture at the top is irrelevant to the post..........I just like it.


  1. I'll be out on the porch drinking a beer.

    I'd have to admit that I don't really understand the issues on this at all. Wimmin's business too, that's why I'm on the porch. I might smoke also.

  2. If I still smoked I'd consider joining you...........:-)

  3. I'll join you two on the porch, but no smoking for me. I'll be interested in reading some answers you hopefully get though.

  4. I totaly believe in contraceptives and that they should be covered by insurance and yes we need univesal health care coverage in amrica and all over the world--

    also this attack on women's health in public needs to be stopped sad to see that america wants to go back to the middle ages in this

    when I first started in medicine I got a job at Planned Parenthood
    and it is the best darned healthcare clinic for all women and I for one will not let it be torn apparart by some zealot republican christien idiot

  5. I think contraceptives should be covered...I also think in some cases they should be giving out for free if they are asked for.
    Condoms are given out for free here at the W.I.C office.
    W.I.C.= Women- infants- children
    Not geared to men...but I know they don't mind males going in and getting free condoms as well.

    So why is it that they can give out condoms and not female contraceptives?

    Condoms are not as reliable either with one reason being, even if the gal picks one up it doesn't mean the guy is going to wear it. How is she supposed to protect herself if she can't afford to buy the pill? It's not logical to say stop having sex. Hard enough for a single but ask that of a married way.

  6. WIC funding was cut last year, one of the first step taken.

  7. Frankly... I'd rather discuss the shoes! lol

  8. lol..............maybe a good topic for the rest of us who are camped out on the porch with Bernard
