Wednesday 21 March 2012

Garden 2012 no 8

Garden 2012 no 8

The weather has been good and it’s light until after 6 which means I’m able to spend an hour out there most evenings. There is a bit of a lull in gardening activity at the moment, most things I can do, I’ve already done.  I’ve sown all the seeds I have space for. I would like more veg seeds in but until I can figure out a way to create more space it will have to wait. There is an area behind the pond I’m going to use once all the bulbs have finished, I hope it wont be too late, but even if it is at least if I do it this year it will be ready for planting next year. The snow drops have come and gone, the daffodils are in full bloom, there seems to be more of them every time I look, but the bluebells won’t be up for another month or so.

I’m hoping I will get that little patch dug over in time to plant veg this year but like I said, if not, it will be ready for next year.

At the moment I’m enjoying spring in the garden. I’ve stopped feeding the birds, they don’t seem too pleased  but it’s time they learn to fend for themselves over the summer. Dining will resume next winter.

 Even the periwinkle is starting to flower; I think it’s a little early this year.

This pink primula didn’t flower very well last year but this year it was  early and is still going strong.

This pretty pink blossom on the wild current bush is at its best right now. This grows on my neighbours side of the fence and he has mentioned cutting it down, I do hope he doesn't. 

Even the pond is in bloom.

One thing I have achieved is to separate my fruit bushes/ trees from the hedgerow bushes. I’ve re-sited the fruit in a row along the side of the veg garden and covered the area in bark chips.

I was told that its not good to allow the grass to grow around the fruit trees because the grass takes the goodness from the soil. Now they have sole use of this little bit of soil and I’m expecting bumper crops as thanks for my hard work.


  1. WOW, you sure have been very busy! it's all looking very organized and spiffy. what a happy bunch of bloomers!

  2. thanks Deb.....................I'm trying to be organized but mostly I'm enjoying being out there again.

  3. Oh, more Colours now, how lovely dear Loretta.

  4. It's all looking splendid!! How are the frogs?

  5. Lovely. You seem to be at about the same timing as us even though you are so much further north.

  6. everything looks quite wonderful -makes me look forward to my flower bed blooming soon

  7. if i was a frog ~ this is were i would hang out


  8. I hope you get your bumper crops. Everything looks fantastic. Surely there's a way to find space where none exists. Doing a search on the internet, I'll bet you'll find some usable ideas.
