Saturday 10 March 2012

Garden 2012 no 6

Garden 2012 no 6

We have a little bit of an evening now. Sunset is around 6 and by 6.30 it s too dark to see and I have to come indoors but; I finish my work at 4 and most days this week I’ve been able to have an hour or maybe two in the garden. Oh bliss…………..working away in the garden makes me feel so good. 

This picture is nothing to do with my garden, but he sits on my windowsill in my bedroom and every morning he smiles at me and makes me feel good. I like to think he is there keeping an eye on things at the back of the house.
The wild garlic is doing well. It’s a completely different plant to the cultivated garlic and has a delicious subtle taste. It’s taken me a couple of years to get the plant to this point. In previous years I’ve not used any of it, I wanted this little tub to become established before using it. This year it looks well and truly established and I’m looking forward to sampling some..

The radishes are the first of my seeds to sprout. The packet said they would be ready for harvest between 6 and 8 weeks after sowing but I think mine are going to take longer than that.
The broad beans, garlic and shallots all seem to be on track.


This morning I found a nice big clump of frogspawn in the pond. This is the first year frogspawn has appeared spontaneously, I guess now I really can call it a wild life pond. There is what I presume to be the ‘mummy’ frog and she can be seen sitting guard over her spawn with just her eyes and mouth above the water and there is a darker chap who I’m presuming is the ‘daddy’ frog, and he seems to spend the day lazing around under the plants at the other end of the pond. They are both incredibly shy and disappear with a splash and loud ‘plop’ if I attempt to go any where near… hence the awful quality of the pictures, they are both very camera shy.

The pond plants are starting to bloom; I don’t think they bloomed at all last year. There was still ice around this time last year and I think the extreme cold killed off the flowers. I’m just grateful the plant itself survived.

I’ve not been able to take many photos because the light goes so quickly, this was taken at 5.30 and by then it was time to start packing away and too dark to take any more photos. 

By 6.30 it was completely dark and all I could do was look at the beautiful moon from the kitchen window.  I quite like this photo; its taken from inside and the moon is reflected in the window making it look as if there are two moons out there.


  1. beautiful, Loretta. congrats on the froggies! i love your pics. ♥

  2. that is one happy buddha

    so cool about the frogs ~ i love that


  3. yep he is one happy Buddha, the frogspawn somehow made me think of him sitting there smiling because of all his babies. He sat in my sisters house for many years and when they finally packed up and moved to France he came to live with me, I love him.

  4. it all looks wonderful-springs is a coming

  5. I think it is so cool about the frog spawn!! Your garden is off to such a nice start.

  6. The Buddha pic is really nice with the background and all. Happy Hoppying Babies!!! On Buddha AND in the pond:)

  7. Maybe the frogs are afraid of that big green one........ :-)))

    Great to see things growing.

  8. Love that Buddha. His smile is infectious :-)) Garden is coming along nicely and it's great that a froggie-family have taken up residence in the pond. I'll look forward to further developments.

  9. I like your moon picture too! Congratulations to the frog family. I hope they have lots of tadpoles.
