Wednesday 28 March 2012

Old Ruined Mill Building

Somewhere way up in the glens lies this ancient ruined mill building. I only realised it was originally a mill when I walked round the building and saw the old water pit and the space where the wheel once was. Sadly there is no wheel there now, its been taken away. The inside of this building is strewn with debris and the outside is unstable..........but it sits in the landscape perfectly and takes you back in time a hundred years or more. We were there for at least an hour, and in that time not one person or car passed us. Utter peace and tranquility.


  1. even in the condition it is in now

    it is still more interesting then most new modern buildings


  2. I agree Nemo...............but...............just about ANYTHING is more interesting than modern buildings :-)

  3. you captured some wonderful shots

  4. great painting inspirations here

  5. thats what I thought Kathy..............some of these would make great paintings.

  6. This is really nice with the hill in the background.

  7. Yes, it would be so difficult (impossible) to restore, but magnificent outside.

  8. i just love the way you capture these wonderful places in time, Loretta. WOW, i want to go there! ; )

  9. I can't imagine an abandoned building here without graffiti all over it.

  10. There's a couple of places like this not far from here. I must get out and get some shots of them sometime.

  11. There's something melancholy about abandoned places like this.

  12. I like the perspective through the window.

  13. If only these walls could talk, what tales would they tell?

  14. Nature always reclaims from man eventually.

  15. That's a wonderful shot. Subject for a painting, perhaps?

  16. The outer walls still seem pretty sturdy.

  17. Another interesting perspective.

  18. Beautiful countryside. Is that a river I can see through the trees in the centre of the shot?

  19. Such a shame it's never been restored.

  20. Nice set Loretta. If you have time to have a look before you set off on your trip, I posted some Spring shots this week:

  21. lol...hi Brenda...........I really don't think those who graffiti every where could be bothered to go this far off the beaten track just to do a bit of spray painting.

  22. thanks.................but I don't know what it is, forgot this one was here, I took it to try to identify the plants.

  23. thanks Bennett...............I think so too, there are so many of these ruins around here, I'm guessing this one was abandoned when the water mill was no longer used. The Wheel is long gone and even the water is almost gone now, This ia a very agricultural landscape and there's not a lot of room for sentiment in agriculture, once something is of no use, there is no reason to preserve it. But on the plus side, the more of these I see, the more I like them as ruins.

  24. Thank you very much for these beautiful and precious Photos, dear Loretta, and take care.
