This is a set of photos I took one day a couple of weeks ago. It had been raining very heavily the day before and there were large deep puddles left at the bust station. I took my granddaughter to the beach and once there every thing was reflecting in the wet sans as the sea receded.
This is what ever Multiply decides to 'export'. There will be no new posts here, this is for every thing from Multiply and 360 that the 'export tool' safely delivers.
Sunday, 26 October 2008
picture perfect; favourite, reflections, photos
This is a set of photos I took one day a couple of weeks ago. It had been raining very heavily the day before and there were large deep puddles left at the bust station. I took my granddaughter to the beach and once there every thing was reflecting in the wet sans as the sea receded.
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This is wonderful!!
ReplyDeleteThis is a very interesting photo.
ReplyDeleteHow pretty. Love the reflections.
ReplyDeleteAlmost a touch of Monet here.
ReplyDeleteJust great!
ReplyDeleteAny pictures at the beach will grab my attention. Great photos.
ReplyDeleteIn case you didn't guess ................this one is 'my' Erin..........
ReplyDeletein case you didn't guess................this one is 'my' Erin
ReplyDeleteVery good set of photos, love the reflections
ReplyDeleteThanks Lina...............see we are both doing the 'night owl' thing
ReplyDeleteThese are all awesome!!! Hope ya don't mind I peeked!!! have a wonderful day!!! :)
ReplyDeleteNature's mirror.
ReplyDeleteLovely photo of her.
ReplyDeleteI love seeing your photos. All of these are lovely.
ReplyDeleteWOW... these are wonderful... Using the reflections as the "theme" gives a great perspective.
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting them.