Thursday 2 October 2008

Recycling Joke.......LOL

I have just found this in my emails, someone obviously knows I'm obsessed with recycling!!

If you had purchased £1000 of Northern Rock shares one year ago it would now be worth £4.95,  with HBOS, earlier this week your £1000 would have been worth £16.50,  £1000 invested in XL Leisure would now be worth less than £5, but  ....  if you bought £1000 worth of  Lager one year ago, drank it all, then took the empty cans to an aluminium re-cycling plant, you would get £214.
So based on the above statistics the best current investment advice is to drink heavily and re-cycle


  1. Oh my, it looks like the RAF barracks, next to mine, when I was at NATO SHAPE. Not really, they had bottles then.

  2. here where I live [Michigan] you have to pay a deposit of 10 cents for every plastic or glass bottle and for every can.... you get the 10 cents back on each when you return them..... it adds up fast for some.... LOL...

  3. They did that here when I was a child but that has not happened here for years.............wish they would bring it back because it was an incentive. Also when we were children it was a good income, we would collect bottles and pocket the money, sure kids today would do the same if they were given the chance.

  4. several groups in my community do island 'bottle/can day' as fund raisers... I know the crew [rowing team] makes about $5,000.00 twice a year with this... just going door to door, collecting....

    I'd imagine that pile on this page would be worth quite a bit too...

  5. I like that philosophy. lol. We used to collect soft drink bottles too and we thought we were rich with the money we got. As you know I care about the environment and try to respect it as much as possible. Imagine my disgust when I see that pest of a neighbour throwing her used underground ticket on the ground or bits of paper and other small objects out her window! Thanks for the laugh. I'm going to copy this and send it to one of my beer drinking friends who is also always investing her money.

  6. Well, that's logic for you! I am also a recycling nut, I love the whole idea of it. Where I live we have big wheelie bins that are taken out every fortnight for collection to be filled with paper, bottles, cans, plastics. I cannot understand (and I have a kindred spirit here I think!) why there is so much waste in the world. If I go into a shop I ask for a paper bag, which I reuse for a rubbish bag as it will break down in land-fill, but more often than not they will give you a plastic one. I take calico bags to do my supermarket shopping tho'.

    I started this 'obsession' as a child when I would collect my dad's beer bottles and then give the bottle collecting guy a ring. They would only collect so many dozen. Then I'd get a bit of cash for my bottle stash. Then it was aluminium cans for a while.

  7. I am not British and I find pounds to be a tad confusing. Here in Canada it is not profitable to recycle. Perhaps that would encourage more people to recycle if they were paid for their efforts.
    Although I think it is better for the environment to go back to glass bottles but recycling is the next best thing.

  8. glad you like it, feel free to use it if you want too, I thought it was pretty amusing

  9. I'll drink to this idea...... where's the lager??? ;-)))
