Friday 17 October 2008

Stand Up Take Action Day

October 17-19, 2008

Stand Up and Take Action starts now!

Today is the day where, all over the world, there are events organised to bring attention to world poverty. Check out this web site and find a event near you.


If you have been reading my ‘poverty’ blogs, you will have read this before, you can’t see this too often, this is something we all need to remember every second of every day, remember,


This applies to you.

The poorest 40% of the world population accounted for 5% of global income. The richest 20% accounted for 75% of world income, and the richest 10% accounted for 54%. We are the richest 20%!!!!!


On October 17-19, 2008 Stand Up & Take Action
Against Poverty and for the Millennium Development Goals

Around the world over 100 million people in over 2,000 events across more than 100 countries are registered to Stand Up and Take Action against Poverty and for the Millennium Development Goals, from October 17-19

Join millions worldwide to STAND UP and TAKE ACTION against Poverty and for the Millennium Development Goals.

(from their web site)

Last year, over 43 million people Stood Up to demand that world leaders keep their promises to end poverty and inequality. This year, help us break that record and send an even louder message to our governments.

Join the global movement of people who refuse to stay seated or silent in the face of poverty and broken promises to end it!

STAND UP and TAKE ACTION against Poverty and for the Millennium Development Goals.

Why Stand Up?

In 2000, leaders of 189 countries signed the Millennium Declaration agreeing to do everything in their power to end poverty. They pledged to do this by achieving the Millennium Development Goals, a roadmap to end extreme poverty by 2015.

Still, every day, 50,000 people die as a result of extreme poverty and the gap between rich and poor people is increasing. Nearly half the world’s population live in poverty, 70% are women. We have the power to change this.

Campaigners worldwide will STAND UP and TAKE ACTION to push their governments for more and better aid, debt cancellation, education for all boys and girls, healthcare, trade justice, gender equality and public accountability.

Fisrt Video;'The Make Poverty History Video',

Second Video; 'Stand Up Take Action Video,.



  1. Another great blog. Thanks!

  2. It is difficult to justify such poverty. “The human race has never been richer, or better armed with the medical knowledge, technological prowess and intellectual firepower needed to beat poverty. And yet it continues to grow worldwide worst and worst.
    And still, vast numbers of people do not benefit from the wealth that some enjoy. The stark contrast between the affluent and the impoverished has led many to conclude that there is an urgent need to combat poverty.
    Organizations and governments have put forth a long list of suggestions and plans to try to solve the problem. Among them are: social insurance programs, improved education, canceling debts developing nations owe to industrialized nations, removing import barriers so that nations with a large percentage of poor people can sell their products more easily, and low-income housing for the poor.

    However noble such goals may be, many doubt that they can be achieved in this disunited world

    It's very sad ,but I guess we can only try and try.

    Well put together blog
