Tuesday 16 June 2009

A quick question.... who has a pro flickr site AND a premium Multiply site?? I want to compare the two, my pro flickr account has expired for the year and I'm thinking about paying for Multiply instead..........so which do you think is more worth the cost???


  1. You might want to go to Multiply User Support and post a note there. You will get a wider audience and a greater diversity of answers. I don't have a pro flickr account but I consider Multiply Premium a good value and that is without the auto uploader. (Although lately I have had my doubts.)

  2. I have a pro multiply site and a pro photobucket site-I use them both one covers the other they are both worth their money

  3. I guess you could be right Heidi, its just that I thought the main benefit of premium Multiply was unlimited storage of photos which is what I pay Flickr for, but Multiply doesn't seem to offer the same editing and organising facilities as flickr........I just thought someone maybe had tried both and I wondered what they thought
    You could have a point too Bennett..............maybe I need a wider audience base to get a good response

  4. I don't have a pro flickr account, but as you know I do have Multiply premium which is coming up for renewal soon. I think it's worth it. I use Picasa instead of flickr anyway.

  5. i don't have pro flickr or multiply premium account,,i've wondered though exactly what the main benefit would be to go premium with multiply,,i don't need/want it for the unlimited picture storage, and i thought we had that anyways

  6. Hi Loretta. You use your Flickr account to store your art images, and I think you get big use out of that. I have Flickr but it will only give me three sets to add to and no more. For anymore I have to go pro.

    As far as premium M'ply, it's been a bit disappointing. So I don't have ads on my site, ok. I'm not a techie and haven't got a lot of time to learn how to use M to its best advantage, particularly as some of the time I'm not well - so much mental energy and then no more, so time to configure it all is limited. As a result of all that, I haven't seen a lot of difference for me personally between M premium and M without it.

  7. Thanks ..Donna i think you understand why i use flickr.............I do have loads and loads of images and its good to store them al together and you can put them into sets and edit ...........but I just started thinking if i could get the same from multiply premium as i do from flickr i would only need one site. Must say though have been with flickr about 3 years and never never had ANY problems that we seem to have here.

  8. Photobucket.com is free and all I use. I had many issues with Flickr when I used it. I store my photos on a good quality flash drive as well, you can't trust any site to hold them all safely.

    Not sure how different the Premium Multiply account is; it seems excessive to pay for it, the above is what I have to offer as my personal experience. Good luck.

  9. Thanks, you are the first person i know to have had problems with flickr so thats interesting to know. All of my photos are on disk somewhere, its just that there are so many of them it is handy to store them online for easy access and if they are all in one place its easy to sort them.................my pro account with flickr has expired and so i only have access to the 200 most recent photos untill I pay for pro again..........still not sure what to do, just considering it all at the moment but thanks for the input. :)

  10. I don't think Photobucket.com has a limit. It even has editing tools now that are pretty good for a free site.

    I had a whole page deleted on Flickr about 3 years back, as did a few other friends, sure they fixed the glitch.
    I'd check out photobucket if I were you, and money is a concern.
