Thursday 25 June 2009

Pebbles from the Beach... (a blog in an album)

Untill 'they' get this problem with enlarging photos in blogs sorted.....maybe this is the best way to do things.
These are the stones I collected from the beach the other day. I poured water over them and as if by magic their colours, patterns, stripes and markings came alive. This is what they looked like when I found them in a rock pool, by the time I got them home they had dried and become dull and colourless, all it took to restore them to their natural glory was a little water. These pebbles are every where on the beach, walking the dog has become like a geology lesson, I would love to be able to name all the different rocks found here. I have been told our beach is a treasure trove full of semi precious stones hiding amongst the sea worn pebbles. When you see them sitting at the bottom of the rock pools they all look precious to me.
I am sooooo tired, the end of term is just a few days away. School's out for summer (as Alice said) next Wednesday. We finish at 12 after prizegiving and then head to the pub. We eat, drink, chill and drink some more. Every morning I wake up tired, I go to bed tired and I go to work tired, busy doesn't come close to the way it gets around here this time of year. OH next wednesday just can't come quick enough for me....................5 days and counting.............


  1. I will count off the days with you, til you are off work for a bit-I know the feeling. When I was working I had a full time job as an operator with the phone co. and we also had our own business-raising and selling exotic birds and their supplies-Love the stones-gorgeous

  2. thanks Kathy.............glad you like them, thought maybe you would

  3. One of my sisters collects rocks. I found a beautiful one in the park where we go. It's shaped like a heart. I'm going to take them to her when I go to visit this summer. Monday is my last day. Maybe if I'm lucky, I'll find someone who needs a private class for July.

  4. I just love collecting pebbles and shells from the ocean, have done it for years.

  5. I also like finding natural objects found on beaches. The stones you have are so differently coloured. The green ones look very attractive.

    There's a beach in Tasmania where black and white shells can be found that can be easily threaded into necklaces. I got some once and cleaned them well, then applied clear nail polish. They came up a treat. I wonder if it's possible to laquer the stones somehow to keep the brilliant colours?

  6. Yes, these are lovely, subtle, beautiful colours and marbling on some. Love the green one on the above right.

  7. Yes, you are due for a good rest. I know this feeling of v/tired so well. I went into hibernation mode with the onset of Aussie winter. I think I'm coming out of my stupor. Look after yourself!

  8. There are rocks like this on the shore of Lake Superior. Amazing.

  9. sorry you feel so tired.... you have had a lot of stress and upset with your remodel and electronics.... some time off is just what you need!

  10. The pebbles are lovely. Perhaps you should buy a little water feature for your home and they will always be moist? Cheers to you and your fellow teachers(?) have one on me. By next week you will be well rested. lol

  11. very nice-ny daughter use to save pebbles from all over
    soon you will be rested loretta

  12. perhaps you could make a little water water fountain for the pebbles, then they'd be wet all the time :) i hope you soon get the rest you need and come up rejuvenated!! you certainly need it,,take care of yourself,,hugs and love xoxox sandy

  13. Gorgeous!!!
    Thank you for sharing, these are wonderful!! :))
    Sending you healing blessings also my friend....

  14. I share your appreciation of this beauty. I have a few stones lying around and thanks to our climate, the rain often revives their colours. I noticed the same thing with a collection of snail shells I assembled--I did like acousticeagle and covered them with clear nail polish.

  15. I love the stones. I have some from my father-in-law who used to work the stones for jewerly. I also have some big stones from a friend that are just beautiful in the flower bed. Stones have their own unique character. A place to see some really beautiful stones is at the Snowy Mountains in Wyoming. I have never seen so many stones in so many colors as I did at their highest level campground. You walk for miles and the site is beautiful.

  16. you're welcome, glad you like them........we are so lucky to have this sort of thing just laying around waiting to be collected..........natures jewels

  17. yep i quite like the green too glad you like them

  18. Thanks.............sometimes the best things are right there under our noses and all we need to do is look..glad you like them
