Tuesday 23 June 2009

The Weather is Wonderful, and still no camera !!

The weather here these last few days has been so hot it's sometimes difficult to remember we are actually on the North East Coast of Scotland overlooking the cold North Sea.

This weather is quite unusual for this area, it's a bit of a mini heat wave but nowhere near as hot as it has been in other places. I spent a whole hour one morning watching a Heron at the waters edge but unfortunatly........with only my mobile you can't see it.

I love the summer, I love the sound of the birds singing, the feel of the warm breeze on the skin, the sight of the grasses swaying and walking along the beach at low tide. There has been plenty of that these last few days and the only little blip on my happiness is my lack of a decent camera.

Even that I am getting used too, I’m learning to make do with my poor quality mobile phone and becoming very thankful for the camera that went every where with me over this last year. I have a good stock of decent shots that will take me forever to sort, edit and file, I’m trying to be very positive about this and be thankful for the year I spent with my camera rather than mourn the loss of it now.
I’ve started walking the cliffs again, I don’t go there in the winter, it can get quite dangerous in the bad weather but at the moment it's a wonderful place to be. Shear Red Sandstone cliffs dropping into a swirling foamy sea, all to the ever present din of the squawking sea gulls.
For the first time this year I’ve spent time on the beach with the grandchildren.

 I’ve walked along the cliff path counting the number of wild flowers in bloom,

 I’ve collected pebbles from the beach. They were picked out of rock pools and while wet, they had vivid colours, stripes and patterns.

 Once they dried out the colours dulled, but all it takes to bring back the colour is a quick splash of water.
I have my daughters dog for the week while she is in Spain and every day I've come home from work and walked the dog along the park overlooking the beach. Today it was so hot I stayed indoors untill almost 7pm but still  there was a heat haze over every thing. Then the haare  (sea mist) came in from the sea and swirled around over the  beach and fields like a rapidly moving fuzzy pale shadow.

 It is fascinating to watch and I tried to take a photo of it with my mobile phone, unfortunately you can’t see the full glory of the Haare with my little mobile.

 It is now well past midnight and the house is hot. My windows are all open but the air is still and heavy, soon I will have to try to ignore the heat and sleep. Work again tomorrow and I think it’s going to be just as hot tomorrow as it has been today.


  1. Very nice post and makes me miss the days on the beach with my daughter when she was a child.

  2. Wonderful post loretta.Send us some of your heat for we are having an English June rain and more rain and chilli.

  3. very nice post loretta, even without a digital camera,,you've managed to get some pretty good pictures,,they're very nice,,and your grandchildren certainly looked like they were fully enjoying themselves

  4. As you know, I'm not a profesonal photographer so these are nice photos to me. You can imagine how hot it is here. Hope your daughter enjoys her holidays here.

  5. thankk you for taking us on your journey. ; D

  6. Grandchildren can be such fun and what a beautiful place to take them. Thank you for the pictures. I enjoyed seeing them.

  7. Very lovely pictures and I especially like the one with the flowers overlooking the sea. I am curious how hot it does get up there - if you would like to share. Sleeping in the heat is quite an ordeal - we did it until I got into my late 40's then could not take it and installed central air conditioning. We rarely use it, but when we must, we do. Yesterday it was 32C here - well no one can sleep in that except a cat.

  8. sorry you dont have your camera....r u getting one soon?...thanks for the view into your world this summer

  9. Lately I've been watching some travelogue shows on tv on Britain and some of it has featured Scotland -boats and harbours. It is so picturesque. What you've been doing sounds very peaceful and restful, which is good for you after all the stuff that was happening at your place with your renovations. I especially like the picture of the wildflowers on the hillock with the sea just below there.
