Saturday 6 June 2009

good morning one and all, I'm getting used to the new version now and it does have a lot going for it. The only thing I've found so far that I miss is the little box that says replies to you post and tells you how many..........but that's ok, there are other ways. Still only able to use my site properly in Internet Explorer, for some weird reason it doesn't work in firefox but guess thats ok too. oh well on with the weekend, have a great one and hope the weather holds for all of you (except Sea who wants my rain and wind lol )


  1. But it does tell you about your replies, Loretta in the Custom Filters. I find this new Multiply much tidier. I've done some of my own customising too. For example, in Friends & Family, I've chosen who should appear in this list - people who usually post something. I would really have to look at your FF to see what was the problem. I can't use IE - way too slow. However, some themes here drive my mouse on the laptop mad and I don't know why but on my netbook they're fine. I'm sitting here in the sun that has just gone behind a cloud. Certainly not hot today! Have a good day anyway.

  2. thanks Brenda, i'm still getting used to every thing and also geting used to the 'filters' and every one likes this new version so I'm sure I'll get used to it too, just a case of playing around. As for the 'firefox' problem........have no idea whats going on there. I'm just going to leave it as it is cos I'm thinking there are maybe a few 'teething' probblems that will sort them selves out over the next couple of weeks. If you remember I've had big problems with my site in the past and then one day.............for no particular reason.............every thing fell into place and worked perfectly. I'm being an optimist and assuming the same thing will happen again :) enjoy the sun when it comes out from behind the cloud

  3. Not everyone likes the new Multiply. You have to see this if you haven't already:

  4. no I hadn't seen it but you know when I first came to multiply I thought user support were 'staff' I didn't understand the difference between user support and customer support so guess I can understand why people are confused. But I didn't realise lots of people were complaining, bit like when all the groups joined, there was a lot of complaining then too. Maybe people just like complaining..............BTW...........talking of complaining... hows that horrid woman, she still moaning ??

  5. You said it. Some people need to be the centre of everything. I'm still doing the accounts because she's too 'ill' to find an admiministrator but I don't handle any money. Like I said, and I've made it very clear to her, I won't recommend anybody for anything here.

  6. lol.............she's very lucky to have you do the accounts, sure I would have totally washed my hands of her ages ago.

  7. I'll be glad when my site is updated. It seems to me this new upgrade will be easier, once we figure out how. I'm looking at it as a challenge. lol This 'post' must be one of the 'twitter type' posts some of my other friends are complaining about. ~giggles~ I think I will like it, if it helps someone do more short posts and really keep in touch with everyone.

  8. Good morning Loretta. I don't have Multiply 4 yet. I don't mind change, but I do mind being a lab rat for a beta system, along with so many millions of other people and many don't understand English well enough to understand the changes. I seems that system designers have lost the skills to fully test and document a product before releasing it. If it wasn't for the volunteer User Groups (Multiply cheerleaders) writing tutorials, we wouldn't know how to use M4. What Multiply is writing and publishing is all marketing. I hope the adjustment and repair phases of this upgrade are less painful than the upgrade last year.

  9. think I said once before....................I always wondered what 'twitter' was all i know AND ..I like it !!

  10. good afternoon Frank..........this instant messages thingy I like.............but I have found other problems with the upgrade. Hmmm beta well you know more than me cos I don't know what a beta system is .Also..........I seemed to experience problems during that time when all the groups joined, I just think my site is one that doesn't 'do' change and new things well but last time every thing settled down on its own after a couple of months and I think the same will happen this time.So I'm off to the harbour with 'my' Erin to enjoy the rest of the afternoon , catch you all later.

  11. I haven't been on multiply much lately and I have no idea what you are talking about. I have noticed you write with the little note sign. I don't see that on my page. what's up?

  12. 360 was beta the whole time and you saw what we went thru on there, with next to no customer support and interaction with the people at yahoo. Here , the President is speaking to us. He did go to our Yahoo refugees group to tell us we were next with the roll out for the new version because he knows there are alot of active folks blogging who will tell them what needs fixing still. They gave it to some Premium members first to work out the major glitches. Ive already seen the President talking to some on here and working one on one with them to fix things or give them what they are still asking for. Where do you get that on any social site?

  13. Hi Doren nice to see you back, this is the new updated version of Multiply. If your site looks the same as it always did ...... you have not been updated yet but it willhappen soon. This 'thing' we are using now is called quick note and its part of the updated version. Im told it is very similat to using 'twitter' .............have no idea if that is true cos i don't have 'twitter' ...........just keep watching your site and soon it will change.

  14. thanks, I don't twitter but I have a facebook page, similiar but different I hear.
