Sunday 14 June 2009



  1. thought my site was behaving untill i posted this
    and the page stretched and stretched and stretched and stretched ...........................

  2. are you not seeing what i'm seeing Brenda................when i posted that blog about the garden
    It stretched the page much too far.......very distorted.

  3. Loretta, I've just read your post, on FF no less, and it is and was fine. I fear the gremlins have returned - either that or someone has posted a gigantic graphic on your page that has caused it to stretch.

  4. oh dear...............that is very bad news considering i'm using IE to post this...........which means my site is having problems for me at least even when I stay away from FF. I have a theory ..............I think my site, for some reason, has a very slight 'malfunction' somewhere on it and as soon as any thing out of the ordinary this big upgrade, or as was the case last time, thousands of new members and a lot of changes to acomodate groups, as soon as any thing like that happens my slight 'malfunction' can't cope with the strain and the site collapses. No doubt it will right itself again in time. At least that is my thoery.

  5. There must be an explanation why it's just your site but I have no idea what it could be. Hope you're right about things righting themselves. This must be very frustrating for you. BTW, I never found that article on repairing scratches on glasstop cookers. I use doilies to hide the scratches on mine.

  6. LOL lateral thinking is a wonderful thing, I bought some specialist cleaning spray which made them less noticable and over time i don't notice them any more

  7. Loretta, this is exactly what happened to me. Exactly!! And I use Safari. Also it happened to Jungleblogs (Which I manage) and to a friend. Here was my solution: Go to customize my page and click on it. Then I hid everything. You know it gives you for every element the option to move/hide/edit. One by one, hide everything. (Keep a map, on paper, of where stuff was.) Then one by one, put everything back on. It worked for my site, Jungleblogs and my friend's site. I hope if works for you. My thoughts are with you. Then have a large glass of wine. I'll keep looking to see if you have problems or success. As I said, it's worked for me.

  8. Found another Glitch GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
    now none of my picturs in blogs will enlarge, no little hand to click and enlarge.......this is BAD BAD BAD

  9. OK....................going now...............fed up with all this ................corkscrew at the ready in fridge, here i come,........... good night one and all

  10. Better luck my Friend. I've noticed some oddness around my page but Im used to odd and don't post much, so I can wait for it to straighten itself out.

  11. M won't let me change my site background right ditto aghhhh

  12. your page looked fine to me,,i use ff now

  13. Sad to say I experimented with both Safari (which tends to be more Mac connected) and Firefox, and same results with both.

  14. I have ff and no problem whatsoever hmmm

  15. sometimes when you use a picture as a leader on your blog when you post and it puts it on your main page it will go on as big as your picture actually is-best then to either remove it or burry it-
