Wednesday 24 June 2009

Update on problems with the site. I've been in touch with the customer services team and they have been helpful. Some of my problems are resolved and some persist. I know my pictures in blogs don't enlarge and they are aware of that and working on it. I know several people have complained about this problem. My biggest problem right now is I keep getting 'kicked off' and/or unable to post, pages take forever to load and then the whole thing just shuts down. I lose connection to the site, while retaining connection to email and all other sites. ''They'' are aware of this and I'm waiting fror them to get back to me. It is so annoying, I was trying to get round and leave comments tonight and didn't manage to get very far. This is me just managing to get back after about 2 hours. If I don't visit you..........sorry but it doesn't mean I didn't try :)


  1. Hi Loretta, Bennett and I are both working on the picture zoom and download problems. User Support Group, MUDS and Customer Service all have active inquiries on this. A lot of people are having that problem

  2. Have I mentioned a glass of wine?

  3. Hi Frank...............this time I by-passed user support and went directly to customer services.........there are loads of problems and they did take 4/5 days to get back to me but at least they are interested and trying to help. Must admit the way i keep getting locked out of the site and unable to get back.......and/or unable to post.......this really is begining to annoy me because i have a limited amount of time and when i am locked out of the site my whole evening gets wasted ...............Hi Bennett........pass the corkscrew, yes you have mentioned the wine..............several times

  4. Anyway folks........................tonight has been a bit of a waste of time for me and now .........its bed time, will try again tomorrow night
    nighty night

  5. sorry you are having troubles too-that was me yesterday, and I gave up, a little better today-but still can't accept an invite

  6. that was happening to me yesterday about 2pm then afrter aan hour it stopped

  7. I know people are having problems with some of these issues but nothing like you're having. I sure hope they get to the bottom of this. I can imagine how frustrating this must be.

  8. sorry you've having sooo many problems, loretta,,hope they are all resolved soon,,right now i'm good to go :)

  9. Kathy and Heidi..............I'm so glad you said that, I thougt I was the only one with that problem and I had the feeling they were going to blame my ISP so it's reassuring to know this is another problem that other people are experiencing. This has been happening to me sinse the upgrade but if you remember I also had similar problems a while back. last time my site didn't work properly was the period after so many people /groups all joined at the same time and it seemed to put the site unde pressure and cause a lot of problems for some people.............well my site was one of the unlucky ones back then too and baisically.......I had to wait for every thing to settle and sort it self out. I think the same will be true this time.
    Oh but being kicked off all the time is driving me nuts...........just grabbing a few minutes before work this morning to see how things work, hope all is well tonight when i get in.

  10. Firefox and Internet Explorer were booting me for over 2 hours last night before I called it quits (I'm stubborn).
    Most of my electronics are acting up as well, maybe Multiply is being effected by something bigger.
    I have been absent so I can't say I've experienced anything here just the web in general has been horribly slow, and it's never like that for me.

    Hope all your troubles are remedied sooner than later. ~Meg

  11. sorry to hear your probs with your multiply page...i had probs last Summer....hope you get on ok tonight...;.sending my vibes lolDi xxx

  12. Thank you, Loretta. Lots of people are having problems, so I am glad you posted this.
