Sunday 28 June 2009

I need your ideas. I recycle all of my plastic bottles but no one will take the little round coloured lids for those bottles, apparently they are a 'different' plastic. SO..........what can I do with them?? Any creative ideas for coloured plastic bottle tops??


  1. Can't you make them into a bike? That would be re-cycling....

  2. I will bear this in mind................thanks Doug

  3. Put them In a sepetate bag then try it that way. Our recyling is picked up by our trash man then they take it to be sorted from there sorry if this does not work call your local recycling company, or trash removal persons.

  4. Depends on the method of recycling. A lot of places now have big machine sorters. All plastic is marked with a PET number 1 through 7, I think. Some councils reject certain types of plastic, where others will take all. Depends on the locality.
    Can't help you with the question about what to do with them. Um, maybe collect and donate to your school for craft projects.

  5. Over here, there are people that collect the caps for charity, I think they go for wheel chairs. (not directly)

  6. Yes I heard that too..........we collected them at the school and then the person who organised it was told they were not needed. Now I'm not sure if the offer was ever real or if it was all a hoax because I can't seem to track down the organisation who is collecting them

  7. If you discover something that can be done with them, apart from the bicycle, let us know.

  8. Save them till you have an idea if you have the space, if not rid yourself of them.
    I know all to well what your talking about as I do the same.

  9. lol..............I've already done I need an idea cos space is running out!! I'm thinking of something creative but can't quite think what......

  10. I would make a plan and for now rid yourself of them. Just a thought....

  11. sorry i don't have a clue loretta

  12. Throw them away... I only know what to do with metal bottle caps.
    Nail them to a wood foundation and create a mat for your door to take the mud off your shoes and boots.

  13. Hi I thought that was quite amising :)

  14. We recycle ours, how silly that they won't take them.
    :D Send them to Doug!

  15. i'm liking that you think he would appreciate them??

  16. They take ours in re-cycle -- just have to take them off the bottles /:-)

  17. yep..............that's the sort of thing I was thinking of, food for thought, some creative ideas that I can try over the summer holidays, Thank you Narice

  18. I'd stick with the site Narice posted....heck I couldn't think of a thing. I'm afraid I'd toss em.Space is getting a bit tight.

  19. There are several associations in France that do this.

    I found this link that seems to be for the US:
