Saturday 11 July 2009

A thought about's always nice to get invites; BUT.............a lot of the time if you visit the site of some one you get an invite from, to find out about that don't get to see any thing because you are not a contact........which means you don't know what sort of person has invited you. If you see what I mean, it's not a moan as such.............just a sort of observation and a bit of a dilema.....


  1. I can understand what you mean, at first my entries and photos were public and then I changed the settings to keep the more personnal blogs for friends. A contact on Yahoo (and dear friend since) had some issues with stolen photos and text. Enough to make me think twice...

  2. yes I understand why some people keep things private, at the moment my whole site is public but for different reasons I have in the past kept it only for contacts. Like I said..............its an observation because it has happened to me recently and I don't quite know the best way to proceed.

  3. Loretta, I have had that problem also. I try to look around and read as many things as I can that the person has posted on other pages. That will give you a bit of an idea what they are like.

  4. Thanks Vero...............I'm really glad you agree with me because this almost looks as if i am being mean about people who invite me and i'm not.............but it is difficult.

  5. Yes, and once you invite them, you feel even meaner if you think about un-inviting them. lol

  6. I've just had a thought..................maybe we should ask for an option on the invites which says something like...........
    .''.I invite you to come and look around my page and if you like what you see why not invite me as a friend''..............or something similar

  7. oh I know what you mean...............I have just deleted two new 'friends' not because they have done any thing wrong, just because once I saw their page I realised we don't seem to have any thing in common. That makes me sound so mean :-((

  8. I guess there is not only one 'recipe' to act on this matter.

  9. nothing mean about deleting.... I need to do it myself.... I accept to find totally opposite ideaologies in blogs, and people who never make an effort to get to know you... every once in a while we have to clean house!

  10. I suppose this would be a good reason to have your page open to everyone. However, I know that most of my posts can be seen by my network and that's good enough for me. Sometimes I get nvites from people who've never visited my page - people that I suppose may have seen something I posted on a group site.

  11. The main thing I delete is if the persons page looks vulgar or if it appears that they like that sort of thing. I don't mean to be a prude but I prefer good clean wholesome material. ((Maybe with a little naughty grin occasionally)) But you know what I mean.


  13. I usually only invite or accept invites if someone is a friend of a friend.

  14. I like making my own layouts. Its fascinating and challenging learning all the HTML and CSS neccessary to make an interesting page.

  15. yes i know what you mean....if they are a contacts contact then i usually accept .... if i cant see all about them...i can delete if i don't care much for them.......if they have no connection to me and there isn't much to go on i decline unless they have sent me a pm as well explaining why they have asked me.

  16. Hi Artimisia. I like your name. When I first joined Yahoo my name was Miss Canthus. lol

  17. when I get an invite if they do not have an open site I do not accept-I do much like artimisia

  18. I totally agree...............I don't like pages like that

  19. Hi..........guess that is more or less what i do too

  20. I have mentioned this in two of the user groups, it seems to defeat the purpose of Multiply, not to allow visits to meet new and perspective contacts. The one way around that is if they and I both post for everyone. I do not post for everyone because that sends the posts onto the Internet and it can be googled. It allows anyone, anywhere access to my site, personal information and photos. It is not just everyone on Multiply, as many people think.

    I will not accept an invite, if I cannot visit their site and that is too bad, because we may be missing out on something. The site/page visit is an important one. I recently had an invite from someone who seems to be okay for me; however, on visiting the site I realized that I would not fit with most of his contacts, in fact I already had three of them blocked. So what's the point if one is going to have to do a debate to defend every comment made?

    One way around this 'lock-out' situation is to agree to become online buddies for some short period of time to exchange site visits.

    My pet peeve about invites is that even for those who can have access to my page, they do not visit first and they do not read my profile before extending the invitation. Often it is word of mouth or their observation of my visits to contacts' sites. In interpersonal relationships, 'one-size does not fit all'.

    I am all for Multiply establishing a 'guest pass' for some short period of time.

  21. Some people put a message in their invites or some reason they want me to be a contact. Actually, unless they do this or I am introduced to them by someone (my friend Charlie would like to be your friend), I do not accept. I know that on Facebook and MySpace there are contests to see who can have the most friends - I do not want to be part of that, or have as a friend someone who picks me just on the basis of my avatar or whatever. I must say I am more leery of males - well, I have been burned in this regard a couple of times.

  22. I try to only accept invites from folk I believe I have something in common with and yes thats dificult when you cant see anything about them

  23. The invite area now has a place to PM someone too. So I think if you were curious about them , you could at least do that. I personally tho go to their sites. Just because someone likes mine doesnt mean Ill like theirs. I want people who I have something in common with and I find many are just sites from overseas that sell things. Just check out their site and then follow your heart. Most of my invites I turn down.

  24. I usually try to check their site first, then send a pm about the invite. Then accept.

  25. I have looked at contact here in the same way as 'real-time' contacts. You might meet a new group of people and find someone you immediately like, with others in the peripherals that you 'might' like more when you get to know them. So, out of that 'group' you might end up with one or two. But it is hard here if the site owner has limited access to 'contacts' only. For you need to read their content to see what sort of person they are.

    I've had contacts I've dropped because it hasn't worked out - with a little note to them, to be polite, as to why I have done it. This could be a way around it. Also word-of-mouth from a contact you might share - a personal recommendation.
