Friday 17 July 2009

OK............. I give up...............I'm going to bed. Gremlins at play on Multiply again. Every thing was just fine and then.......First I get kicked off, it has taken me 20 mins to get back, and now every image on my site has ..... GONE!!! Nothing in any albums, no images on any blogs.......all gone gone, gone,. Obviously time for me to give up and go away. Maybe it will all be ok again in the morning.


  1. Your page looks fine from here. It may be the server and not Multiply. For some reason your site always takes longer than any of the others to connect to. I don't usually think about it because that is just the way it is. The only trouble that I have had with Multiply tonight it that one time it took awhile to load and I had to refresh. Then I had also changed pages three or four times, quite quickly.

  2. I had difficulty finding my comments earlier and then - like magic - they were there.

  3. maybe they wee rearanging things-I didn't have any trouble-good morning loretta

  4. Hope you have a better night than you rday has been. Take care my friend.

  5. good morning Frank, happy to report every thing here ok this morning. I have one friend who I have great difficulty visiting , her page takes about 5 mins to load, I've contacted her to see if it is anything that end but it seems I am the only person to have this problem and it only happens on her page...........very weird. Maybe you trying to connect to me is a similar thing...........some thing that only happens to you when you connect to me, very strange.

  6. Good morning every one.................every thing is ok this morning so guess I'll just carry on where i left off yesterday

  7. I'm glad your page is back but I fear those gremlins haven't left for good. Like Frank said, I find your page slow-loading in general and I know it's not because you've got a lot of graphics on your page. There are some pages that drive my mouse absolutely berserk.

  8. By all means, carry on then and have a great day!

  9. I'm glad you told me my page is slow loading, i didn't know that, maybe that is something i could report and get checked out if it is happening to a lot of people. The one page I find difficult has a long play list on the front page and I know the play list takes forever to load, but I don't even have music so it can't be that.

  10. Loretta, I'm not really sure that I'd call it slow loading. If so, Multiply would show "......loading" once the connection is made.

    What I see at the bottom of my screen is "waiting for xxxxxxxxxxxxx to respond" then when I connect and see your site, it changes to "Done". To me that is the server making the connection.

    I'd say slow connecting, not slow loading.

  11. ok thanks Frank, have no idea why it would be waiting for xxxxxxxxxxx to respond...........another mystery of the internet I suppose.

  12. The xxxxxxxx is used here in place of the proper URL for you site which I couldn't remember. The proper URL is what shows as waiting to connect.

    Like the URL for this note is -

  13. I hope it gets back to normal when you check it again. Happy weekend there Loretta

  14. I have this glitch every now and then. I go to put an image in my blog and click on ' from my computer' to get the image from my own files and the 'from my computer' gets stuck. If I then click away from there, I lose my whole blog. So I have learned to click on 'from my albums' -choose a pic from there (to delete it when I have it) and go back to 'from my computer'. It usually works then, but if it doesn't I get the same pic (if it's the one I want) off the web.

    I tend to think it isn't M -exactly, it's more my dinoputer and M not 'talking'.
