Friday 24 July 2009

Summer make over for the garden.

Remember this?? this is what it looked like at the end of the winter.

A complete pictorial progress report on the state of my garden. I've used lots of these in different blogs about my garden make over but I thought I would try to sort out the photos and get them all into one album, and all in some sort of order..........As progress continues, I will add more.
Just added pictures of the white and blue paint now that it's finished.


  1. wow now you can sit back and be very very proud of yoursel loretta-

  2. yup, what heidi said! well done, you! it's time to sit back, relax and celebrate! ; D

  3. Wow! Your fence did need painting! I loved your winter garden

  4. That almost looks like a rosemary. The big one not the daffodil.

  5. I have Honeysuckle, just the plain white and yellow, all along my fence and I'm trying to train it to go across the open area on my hill so I don't have to weedeat there.

  6. You have such a lovely garden. It shows all the hard work you've put into it.

  7. "Our England is a garden, and such gardens are not made
    By singing: -"Oh, how beautiful!" and sitting in the shade."

    ~ Rudyard Kipling, "The Glory of the Garden"

    Your hard work shows and a lovely effort it is.

  8. Thank you Cille, yes we have snow every year, I live in Scotland and it is roughly the same latitude and similar climate and terraine as Vancouver. Yes they are snowdrops and yes that is rosemary. I love honysuckle too, unfortunatly of the two plants I bought only one survived, I'm not sure why.

  9. I like how you are using an old toilet for a growing pot! :)

  10. Actually this is a really good showcase for all your hard efforts. It's a trophy case of pics. How long before all the work is done?

  11. The rain is delaying me at the moment. All I have left to do is paint the doors and the gates with the gloss paint. I have a few containers to fill, the sink has to be attached to the wall and filled with plants and there is a little masonry painting left to do. Most of that should have been done this week because I am having my granddaughter stay next week The original plan was to finish by this weekend, spend one week with my granddaughter and spend the last two weeks of the holiday relaxing and doing a bit of art work. BUT.. like i said, because of the rain I am behind schedule.

  12. I know that feeling, of doing all the hard work and looking forward to the time of completion. One day at a time. Good going, there, Loretta.

  13. I really like this shot, it has a kind of optical effect going on in the patterns.

  14. Awaiting the warmth of Spring.............

  15. No snow, just snowdrops :-))

  16. The green shoots of Spring :-))

  17. Is that a bog-standard layout for a garden? LOL. And I see you have some bottle-brush trees, too!!

  18. Very creative.......I like it!!

  19. Looks good with all the flowers out.

  20. Is this one of the fences you were repainting? I like the idea of blue for fencing.

  21. That's an odd-looking thing.

  22. That daff looks a bit lonesome.

  23. ~tick tock~ I hear summer approaching.......

  24. I like how you set the bath to make it into a pond.

  25. The little plastic frogs are a nice touch :-))

  26. I love those things (the name eludes me).

  27. A fine crop of dandelions :-))

  28. you certainly put in some hard work on this bush/hedge

  29. you have certainly, along with your little helpers, loretta,,put in a lot of hard work towards your garden,,it really looks wonderful,,and i like the blue for the fence

  30. Another really nice picture.

  31. I just love your photos - the angles, shapes and colors.

  32. Is that a rabbit? In the dandelions up by the top.
