Thursday 23 June 2011

After the rain Thursday 23 June 2011

I've already said, it has rained all day Tuesday, all day Wednesday and all day today (Thursday). It finally stopped raining about 9.00pm. At which point I stopped pacing like a caged animal and went for a walk. These are taken along what we call 'the nature trail', or 'along the burn', the kids call it 'the dammie'.........I don't know why. It is an area that used to support literally hundreds of flax mills in the nineteenth century. Now it’s given over to pleasant path ways, wild plants, blackberries and a multitude of wildlife.
The plants are just some of the flowers I saw in the fading light. The buildings are mill buildings now either empty and semi derelict or used as storage or by industry. The water is the old burn which, 150 years ago, made this a wealthy town by powering all those mills that sprang up along its banks. The reason the water is so brown is because the excessive rainfall has swept mud and debris down from the hills. Usually the water is clear and you can see fish in there. The rather odd picture in the middle is a strange relief design an engineering company has put up along one of the old buildings it now occupies. I don’t know how long it has been there but I’ve never noticed it before.
It was just so good to get out again.


  1. I like that! Hey, is that a mermaid there at the bottom end?

  2. Love, love, love the colors here...

  3. It has a character, that building.

  4. Wonderful pictures Loretta. It's sad to me to see the old buildings going to ruin. There is so much history there. This is a case of, "if only the walls could talk, what tales they'd tell".

  5. I can see why you enjoyed your walk.

  6. It's nice when the plants start to reclaim the buildings.

  7. Very beautiful pictures, I love the misty greens and the gentle hills.

  8. I like the colour of this plant.

  9. Looks good against the blue sky.

  10. Was the evening sun quite strong? You seem to be getting 'glow' off the white flowers.

  11. I've alwas liked this particular flower.

  12. Don't often see poppies growing wild, not down here anyway.

  13. Those furry little buds make great macro shots.

  14. Nature always reclaims in the end :-))

  15. Should be restored and trned into a museum.

  16. this is the only stack left in town, and its not very tall I think the top has been removed at some time. its a shame there is so little of the towns industrial past left intact.

  17. we already have a town museum, its housed in the old signal tower. At one time I thought this building was going to be renovated into flats. When I say 'renovate' what that usually means around here is that the shell must remain the same but the inside is gutted. Anyway, either I was mistaken or something went wrong because it never happened.

  18. Gorgeous photo. Lovely, would make a great painting. A subject in the glade would be a good inclusion for a painting.

  19. It looks like you've used a diffusing filter. Very pretty.
