Sunday 19 June 2011

Beaver Lake Cree Nation fight against Tar sands development.

Found this video, its so very sad, how many times do people need to be reminded, we don't need to find ever more ways to use ever more fossil fuels, we need to find new  ways to live with less................

The Co-operative's Toxic Fuels campaign aims to stop the exploitation of unconventional fossil fuels, such as tar sands and shale gas.

Our campaign champions the cause of the Beaver Lake Cree Nation in Alberta, Canada, who are taking on the Albertan and Canadian Governments, and the world's largest oil companies, to stop the expansion of tar sands developments on their lands.


  1. These people only think of the money they'll make, not what it means for the people and animals living in these areas nor for future generations. In areas like Kentucky and West Virginia mountaintop mining is practised where the tops of the mountains are dynamited. I'm sure I mentioned this in a blog that I did for Blog Action Day a few years ago.

  2. In times when the emphasis is on cleaner, renewable energy, the fact that companies are using tar-sand extraction and hydraulic fracturing ('fracking') demonstrate that they are interested in only one thing: money. These methods are devastating to the environment and to communities. I'm in favour of any protest against these mothods.

  3. Shale gas mining has had to be stopped at Blackpool due to earth-quakes.

  4. Tar sands is a sore point for Alberta. I am totally against it.
