Sunday, 26 June 2011

Tadpole question feeling less steressed now, been playing in the garden, weather weird, its hot and clammy and keeps raining, the monsoon season comes to Scotland ! Anyway... about the tadpoles... does anyone know why some tadpoles seem to get bigger and bigger but don't grow legs? Is this normal ?


  1. Different types of frogs grow at a different rate. Some seem to take forever to turn into frogs. Others are hopping within a few weeks. Just be patient.

  2. The large (what we call river bull frogs) tadpoles get almost an inch across before growing their legs. Spring peepers are so tiny you almost don't even see them hopping around.

  3. Thank goodness it's not clammy here. As it is, you can fry eggs on the pavement.

  4. they are like people

    they change at different rates


  5. I know nothing about tadpoles but the weather here changed and we had quite high temperatures today, no rain.

  6. Different species of frog, I would guess.
