Sunday 5 June 2011

Garden 2011 no 9

First of all I have to say one of the kids was messing about with my camera at yesterdays BBQ and I haven’t figured out what they did, but somehow, they have changed the settings and my photos are all a bit out of focus. That applies to the ones I have just posted of yesterdays BBQ and my granddaughters greenhouse.

Anyway, the garden, today I have actually spent the whole day out there, apart from little breaks when I came indoors to catch up here . It wasn’t too hot, it wasn’t too cold and it didn’t rain. Well that’s not strictly true, it did rain but only as I was packing away to come indoors. The fence building project that has become a fiasco looks like it may be completed on Thursday, weather permitting. It has been impossible to do, either it was raining, or we had howling wind, or both, or on the nice days, when it was almost too hot to do any thing, the people supposed to be building the fence were all working or otherwise occupied. We did make one attempt last week, it was a beautiful hot day, the holes for fence posts were dug, the concrete mixed………….and then big black clouds appeared as if from no where and it poured and poured with rain. The newly dug holes filled with water and mud and every thing stopped for the day. The only good thing about that day was the fact that the rain came down quite literally as the water was about to be poured into the concrete mix. We managed to keep the concrete mix dry and water free. So now I have a huge container of concrete and sand, sitting in my shed waiting for the right moment, which hopefully will be Thursday. 

In anticipation of getting the fence built, I’ve been clearing away the wood and general rubbish that will not be needed. I’ve dug over my vegetable garden once more, I don’t think I will be in time to plant vegetables this year, maybe some late root veg or something but mostly it will be something to look forward to next year.

I checked out all my containers while I was out there today. At least the plants seem to have benefited from the rain; I’ve never seen them looking so good.

The chocolate mint and lemon balm are perfect, just right for picking and freezing, a job for tomorrow after work I think.

The lovage is in bud. This is the first time it has flowered for me. Tomorrow I think I will harvest as many leaves as I can to use in soups over the winter and then wait for the flowers and harvest the seeds. Earlier this year I planted new herbs, I planted Dill and Thyme, they both seem to be doing well although they took ages to germinate.

 It looks as if I will be enjoying my first batch of new potatoes very soon and the onions and garlic will not be far behind.                    


The small corner flower bed looks wonderful, its full of colour and plants are popping up all over the place.

I'm not too sure how the strawberries are going to do, at the moment they look ok but I think they really need a green house. The strawberries in my granddaughters green house already have fruit on them.

My Parsley is almost in flower and the chives are full of flowers, I think its too late to salvage any thing except seeds from the chives, but i will harvest some of the parsley tomorrow and freeze it

As I left the garden tonight, I could see the improvements beginning to take shape. I have a pretty little flower bed, lush herbs, a pot full of potatoes, several containers of onions, a vegetable garden ready for planting, a tub of lillies about ready to flower and a stock of old wooden roots stored in a wheel barrow all ready for burning, ( to make wood ash for the garden), plus the old garden burner to burn it in. I even have some smaller bits of wood ready to burn one evening in the little chimera. And along the side I have a very narrow strip of garden where I’m planting all the bulbs salvaged from my daughters’ garden.

AND…………..maybe, just maybe, on Thursday I’ll have a finished


  1. your garden is coming along very nicely


  2. With the exception of the fence, everything seems to be coming along splendidly. I hope the weather relents enough for you to get that finished this week. Great collection of herbs, I love the smells of all the different types.

  3. I had chocolate mint one year (several years actually) and I really enjoyed it. Makes wonderful sun tea. Your picture of it is not at all out of focus.

  4. Hope you get your fence on Thursday.

  5. Your pictures look great! There was only 1 out of focus pic on your greenhouse blog! Good luck with the fence!

  6. your gardens look great Loretta, I love my lemon balm and chocolate mint too

  7. Actually, I can't find an out of focus pic on the green house blog now either!

  8. yay! It's all growing and looking healthy. Very encouraging.

  9. You accomplished much and took stock of more! I love the shot of the wheelbarrow! I am jealous that you can burn and use the ash...I haven't burned trash since my Grandmother and Grandfather were alive together. No outside fires allowed here unless you have a private home for a firepit or barbecue.

  10. to be honest, I don't think I'm supposed to, but my neighbours are quite easy going, we tend to 'live and let live' around here. So long as i don't do it all the time and make a nuisance of myself I think its ok

  11. Your garden is as lovely as ever Loretta. I know you will be pleased when the fence is done.

    Free Bowe Bergdahl

  12. Think I should add that I only burn wood, paper & card that can't be used for any thing else, they don't recycle card where I live and i keep back a little paper to get the fire going. AND, the important thing is; as well as producing wood ash for the garden, burning wood is carbon neutral because what ever you burn has already done enough for the atmosphere to cancel out all harmful emissions...............Its less damaging than many other methods of waste disposal.
    thought I should add that just in case any one thought I was burning any thing and every thing.........:-)

  13. Hope the weather stays ok so you can get the fence finished.

  14. I adore the photos of this post...revisits are nice!

  15. You can eat the chive flowers. Just twist the bloom between your fingers to separate the individual blossoms. Same taste as the leaves. Cutting off the flowers may stimulate the plant to produce more leaf growth.

  16. What an enchanting garden! A little of everything. I'm sure it brings you hours of pleasure. Hopefully all this weird nasty weather will pass and things will get closer to normal. (whatever normal is) lol
