Sunday 26 June 2011

Ahgggggg kept off Multiply all day yesterday for 'maintenance', and now..........spent ages composing my 'art sunday' post... and it refuses to post. Claims there is 'no data' on page. Guess i should be happy this is working. So...........if there is no post from me today, you know why :-)


  1. From what I can gather, most folks are getting their service back gradually. Mine seems fine, but then I haven't tried to post anything yet. I think the main advice is to keep trying.

  2. I'm pretty mad with myself now cos I intended to do my art post yesterday and couldn't so took a short cut today. I did it directly into the blog page, I usually save all the pictures ready to insert and set the wording out in a word doc, that way it doesn't matter if something goes wrong with the post cos its all saved..........well this time it isn't and this time, for the first time, looks like I've lost the whole dam lot grrrrr
    moral of the story... don't take short cuts ..............:-)

  3. You would think with all the time MP was offline yesterday things would be better. Guess not.

  4. We lost Multiply all day yesterday as well. When it came back last night things were slow and frustrating. I suppose the newer 'marketplace' members benefited from that day of maintenance more than the rest of us.

  5. yes!! ughhhhhhh. still can't post blog with pics :-((

  6. yep, I couldn't get on all day, I ended up asking Benni on FB and she told me her and Frank were locked out all day

  7. yes.............and talking of 'marketplace'...........are you inundated with invites from dubious looking 'shops'??
    I am.....have complained about a few of then and eventually I was told they had their sites deleted.
    Also getting other less dubious but still annoying 'shops' dumping adverts and links in the comments of different posts. I think they do a word search and dump their advertising where ever the word appears. For shop that sells garden/ eco stuff dumped a load of advertising at the bottom of a couple of my posts, I deleted and complained but it still shouldn't be happening in the first place.

    Moan over :-))

  8. same here lost a whole day silly really
