Saturday 1 October 2011

Is there anybody out there?

Birthday meal was a great success, but now its past 5 in the morning, I have heartburn thanks to a wee bit of overindulgence and can't sleep...............I bet you are all happily ZZZZZZZZ ing your way through the night 


  1. no Heidi................I'm up late...............insomnia tonight thanks to a little over indulgence.......but Hi.....glad I'm not alone :-)

  2. hehehehe my pithday is on Wed. so I to will be having the symptons soon

  3. hope you don't suffer for it the way i am...........I've even been out in my garden, yes in my pyjamas, to pick fresh chocolate mint to make tea in the hope it would settle the heart burn and let me sleep.....:-) not working so far, can hear the dawn chorus now which is quite nice.........

  4. It is only 10:13 here. Are you okay???

  5. yeah I'm Ok, just couldn't sleep............had a couple of hours around midnight and been awake since then.. its after 6 now :-), think I'm going back to bed soon to see if I can get another couple of hours.

  6. That is what I've been doing lately. I get up for awhile then my eyes get sleepy again. I wake feeling really good.

  7. actually think I'll stay here a while and work on my Art Sunday.............and maybe then I can get some more sleep.

  8. Was it a full sleepless night?

  9. no not quite, had a couple of hours arounf midnight.........

  10. Sorry didn't read the comments before ;-D Did you post about the celebration of your birthday? Did you get FLOWERS?

  11. I had flowers, and balloons, and cake, and most important of all..............wonderful people :-)

  12. *wonderful people* without them, you won't have nu-nothing ;-D They are a must and the first ingredient to a wonderful birthday party (even to life)

  13. Morning! Im up early because its too hot to sleep - it was 30C here yesterday and looking like being the same again today - phew!

    What a brilliant birthday you had! :o)


  14. I'm sorry your sleep was disturbed. Still, as you'd mentioned, you got to hear the dawn chorus and otherwise you would have missed it. There's only so many dawn chorus's in a lifetime and it's a shame to miss one.

    Luckily it rained here last night and things are considerably cooler. Perhaps you might get some later? Fingers crossed anyway.

  15. At the time you posted this I was finally sleeping, although I had only finally gotten off around 4am myself. Having another bout of disturbed sleep. Was awake til after 5am the previous night too.

  16. i could not get into Multiply at all last night. ; )

  17. Glad you had a good celebration but sorry to hear about not being able to sleep - hope you managed to catch up later.

  18. Disturbed sleep must be a common complaint of our age - I had a only half-asleep night last night. Feel sort of bleary today but should sleep well tonight. Hope you are close to bedtime now. xx
