Saturday 1 October 2011

My Birthday and more.....................

Many thanks for the birthday wishes and apologies for not acknowledging them sooner.
I’ve been a bit busy these last few weeks, daughter was ill and in hospital, other daughter started her new job, I’ve been helping out with the child care, I’ve not been well (ugh… time for me to start getting  realistic and go on the list for knee replacement) Guess I’ve avoided it for long enough.

And as if all that didn't keep me busy enough i've finally finished decorating my living room. 

I’ve been watching the seasons change; the fields have gone from golden seas that ripple in the wind to rich dark soil ready for next years crop. I even spent a while watching the farm machinery do its thing. Fascinating how the landscape can change so radically over a few short weeks. The colours of the landscape are completely different to what they were just a week ago.
And then it was my birthday and now…………….I’m 60 !!!! Funny how some birthdays come and go without impact, and others become BIG events. Turning 60 makes me feel as if I’ve arrived somewhere, not too sure where or what the exact significance of it all is… but I’m pretty sure it’s important. Sometimes, when I do stupid things like lock my self out, or lose my keys, or forget my own phone number, I get scared and think I'm not only aging but dementing as well, but my daughter assures me this is not the case. She said if I have a dementia its the slowest onset she has ever seen because I've been like it for at least 30 years, and thats only the time she can remember. 60 is  what they call a ‘milestone’, or a land mark in life………..or something like that. My actual birthday was Thursday and we had a quiet family meal but today ( Sat 1.Oct) we (family friends and ME) are all off out to the restaurant to celebrate this very important birthday of mine properly………….in style……… with wine, balloons and of course cake…
And to the meal will be back later with photos  :-)


  1. Happy Birthday babes - I am so sorry if I missed it. :o)

    Harvesting is late in your neck of the woods! Here in East Anglia the harvesting was carried out in July. Its been a very odd year. Today its 30C!! Scorching!

  2. they are past the 'harvest' stage now..............they are 'muck spreading' which is awful :-((
    The farm season seems spread out, they did harvest some of the crops a while ago, and then they were stubble burning which is supposed to be banned but I can't see how they will ever stop a practise thats been followed for hundreds of years. Then there seemed to be more harvest, and then the ploughing.....what ever it is they are doing.............they seem very busy in the fields right now.
    And don't worry about the birthday, I wasn't around here much any way :-)

  3. Hope you have a wonderful celebration with your family and friends. 60 is definitely a milestone but it is also only a number. Don't get hung up on it :)

  4. happy birthday to one of my most favoritest people


  5. Sorry I didn't drop by with birthday greetings sooner, but I rely on Multiply's birthday calender and it's been switching itself off lately. Yours is about the fourth birthday I've missed in the last month or so. Anyway......


    I've always said, and will continue to say, that age is a state of mind. Some folks feel down about reaching certain age 'milestones'. What's the point? See the positives and enjoy life. That's my motto.

    Harvest time has been in full swing in these parts too recently, and there are tractors and other farm equipment rumbling past the house constantly at certain times of the day. I, too, love to watch the change of the seasons.

    Have a wonderful day with your main celebration!!

  6. your decor looks really beautiful, Loretta. i am so glad you are back's hoping daughter is well on the mend and the job for the other is going swimmingly. bless your heart, being such a busy woman is not always easy, but it is always worth it. be well, i am so glad your birthday was a good one.

    i'll be shopping for just a few things tomorrow, so i can create the lovely art for our *swap*. i'm so excited!


  7. Auch, I didn't know it had been your birthday, my apologies.

    Being sixty's great, you're going to love it. You can call people 'young whippersnapper' and wave your walking stick at teenagers playing football anywhere within a hundred metres of your house. You can snag people at bus stops and explain to them how things were different in 'your day'. Bus stops are the best place to get them, thay can't just walk away...........:)

    The best of luck and much fun to you tonight.

  8. LOL I love it! I want to be 60!!! :o)

  9. It's great, I've never looked back (mostly because my necks a bit stiff).............:)

  10. I passed that milestone almost two years ago. I just celebrate my birthday, not the years. Looking forward to seeing the photos of your birthday celebration. I love your new living room too and hope your daughter is feeling much better.

  11. Happy Birthday Loretta! Enjoy the cake and festivities!!

  12. Most likely those events aren't any more frequent than memory lapses in the past. They are just more noticeable now because of their association with aging. It's the aches, creeps and pains that remind me.

    I like what you did with the decorating.

    I hope that you had a great birthday celebration with your friends.

  13. Dearets Loretta, sorry I missed your 'day', I have been in an dout of hospital too s obit vague at the moment!
    Have a FABULOUS time at the restaurant and can't wait for the pics! Penblwydd Hapus as we say in Wales!!
    Big Love and Hugs

  14. JOYEUX ANNIVERSAIRE Loretta! I was coming for the photos ;-D I hope you'll have flowers today.

  15. Lovely pictures of the fields and of your birthday cards. I am so glad it was a good day for you and I'm hoping that even now as I type you are having a splendid dinner out. My 60th was a calamity of sorts but my 61st was filled with delights. And I know a spry woman who is 98 and still traveling so I think there is much more left for us to do and see.

  16. That photo of the hay bales reminds me of times that I looked over paddocks and seen the same. I've seen them being made too, a big machine gathering the hay and rolling it, spitting out these round eggs of hay. Sort of interesting to watch.

    So, happy 60th! I turned 50 earlier this year so I thought of it as a bit of milestone b/day. I get what you mean about forgetting where things are, etc. There are times I remember how it was as a child, the voracity for learning, the springtime of a young mind! now it's a matter of exercising the brain to keep it firing on all pistons. Of course it doesn't help to have chronic fatigue as I do. But the thing is, with age comes wisdom and the benefit from experiences. I wouldn't trade that at all.

  17. Love the living room shelves!!! And the wallpaper is lovely! Such an inviting corner♥

  18. thank you..............would you believe I choose the living room wallpaper deliberatly as a good background to show off my plants.. ?

  19. I am really fond of it! Great minds...*smile*

  20. yes

    yes i would believe that


  21. that 'yes I would believe that in general'...............or is that 'yes I would believe that of you'??...........:-)

  22. yes ~ i believe that of you

