Friday 14 October 2011

The true colour of advertising.

Most people probably know by now I'm not a great fan of the consumer society and I've no time for the profit before people mentality. BUT; where there is consumerism, there is advertising...........and some of this advertising is brilliant, its clever, artistic, creative, funny and in this case... its COLOURFUL, and I love its genius.


  1. The ads are certainly a testament to the magic of CGI...entertaining enough so long as we don't buy the product of course, that would be a bit of a slip-up in my opinion.. ..we live in a world saturated in colour, I blame LSD myself.

  2. A good point. Its a reminder that not all adverts are "conditioning" vehicles, but are actually entertainment as well. :o)

  3. I rarely watch commercial TV, 90% of my viewing is on BBC channels, so I tend to miss a lot of these. I'd seen the first one but not the second. Very entertaining.

  4. cool

    sometimes they get it right


  5. Some of the adverts are better than the actual programmes.

  6. I've had a lot to say about advertising in the past and recently I had the observation that they have become with the use of animation - or overuse I would say - and special effects. For that 30 seconds, whatever they are selling has to grab the attention.

    But, even for the most mundane products, there's a plethora of animation and childish characters talking in silly voices meant to entice adults into buying products. What does that say about people who are swayed by television advertising - like 'grow up' or something? I would much rather have someone, not dressed ridiculously or have an odd way of speaking, to calmly tell the audience why they think the product they are promoting is good. But I've got a grown up head (most of the time).

  7. I think the most important thing to keep in mind about advertising is that it is a venue used by some of the most artistic and creative people around to explore new ideas and to develop their creativity in ways that would not be possible as an individual. Also remember to totally ignore what ever product they are supposed to be advertising, just concentrate on the advertert itself as an object in its own right, divorced from and unconnected to, the product

  8. animation is not only meant for children


  9. Actually in many instances the creativity of the artists overwhelms the message of the product. I have seen many TV advertisements, enjoyed them visually and at times find that the music used is perfect for the visuals, so much so that when it is over, I have no idea or remembrance of what product they were selling. My point is that isn't good for the product when the art overwhelms the message.

  10. Actually Frank.............thats good to know, its like the 'silver lining' effect of consumerism
