Wednesday 12 September 2012

360 35

ntry for September 28, 2007, 360 import, WALKGB4CLIMB
Sep 28, '07 5:10 PM
for loretta's contacts
I have a lovely elderly aunt called Barbara who has to be about 78 by now. She has always enjoyed walking and has recently written to me about a charity she has become involved with. It seems, the leader of the walking group she belongs to is planning on walking around the coast of the UK. His walk will begin from Bognor Pier on New years Day 2008 and is expected to take about 10 months. He is walking to raise money for a charity called 'CLIMB' which stands for 'Children living with Inherited Metabolic Diseases'. Her reason for writing was to ask if I know anyone who could offer overnight accommodation to him and/or offer sponsorship. Obviously he can stay with me for a night, I live on the North/East coast of Scotland, but if anyone else lives by the coast and would like to offer a free nights accommodation to a very worth while cause , please do .
The e-mail address is
and the website is
 Colin Snook 
Colin has always had the ambition to walk around Great Britain and has plotted a route which will cover in excess of four thousand miles over three hundred days in 2008. All in support of Climb
For those of us untouched by a metabolic disease it is difficult to imagine the impact that the birth of an affected child has on the family and the subsequent lengthy medical and ethical uphill battles that have to be fought on that child’s behalf. However, I did have a brief insight into this dilemma when I visited a teenager in her teens at a respite centre who was in the latter stages of a Metabolic Disease. It turned out to be an traumatic experience, the memory of which I have been unable to shrug off.
My chance meeting has given me even greater purpose to achieve this ambition so with the backing and support of Climb I aim to raise £50,000 for Climb.
Climb Needs Your Help to Help Colin!
Colin aims to use a combination of B & B, backpacking, rough camping, campsites and the YHA hostels for accommodation over a period of ten months, and averaging 15 miles walking per day. For most of his journey Colin will be hugging the coast but on reaching Scotland he will head inland to take on the West Highland Way and then through the central highlands to Cape Wrath. From here he will return to the many coastal paths for the long journey south back to his starting point in West Sussex.
We thought Climb could assist in supplementing these choices and that those of you in our Family Network, living near to the intended route, might like to be involved and 'host' Colin a night’s accommodation (and a shower!) as he passes through to help him reach his £50,000 target at minimum expenditure. Also we are investigating police, fire and coast guard stations that may have a spare bed, together with campsites and holiday camps. For occasional pampering, we would like contacts with hotels along the way at reduced or no cost, so if you have the name of someone we can approach for any of these types of accommodation please do let us know. We can then pass on all our offers to Colin to help him plan his route.
Climb wishes to give Colin the publicity and support he deserves so we look to you to provide us with local media contacts as he travels round and gather friends and relatives to cheer him on his way. Starting date is New Year’s Day 2008 in Bognor Regis, first milestone - Lands End in mid-February!
This venture promises to be an exciting fund raiser for Climb and we hope you would like to be part of it to help Colin reach his target and achieve his ambition to Walk-GB-4-Climb!
For further information contact Climb on 0845 241 2173
Or e-mail
Tags: 360 import, environment, walkgb4climb, walking
Prev: Entry for September 28, 2007, 360 import, LONG AWAITED UPDATE ON CHILD/NEEDLE INCIDENT.
Next: Entry for September 28, 2007, 360 import, 360 FRIENDS

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