Wednesday 12 September 2012

360 no 19

I've been tagged....(ohhhhhhhh this is the first time I've been tagged)
The rules are as follows.
You are to start with 7 random facts/habits about yourself. People "tagged" need to write their own blog about their 7 items, and include these rules. At the end you are to "tag" 7 others and list their names. Don't forget to leave them a quick comment on their page letting them know they have been "tagged" and to read your blog. So here goes....
1.I am a vegetarian, have been for about 35 years. I do sometimes eat fish, when I became vegetarian restaurants and perplexed mothers didn't cater for a vegetarian diet so I just kept fish on the menu for emergencies.
2.I have never learned to drive, nope not ever!! Now I am glad of it because my Eco footprint throughout my life will be so much smaller for not driving
3.I did three years at Art College when I was 18 but never carried on with my art, wish I had.
4. I am one of three sisters and I have three daughters
5.I used to keep tropical fish
6. I used to run a cattery for abandoned/stray and feral cats
7. I used to breed boxer dogs
Now I have to decide who to ''tag'' ummmmm. OK I've sent out 7 ''tags'' and here are the lucky recipients;
Cris, Silly Girl, India, Shortie, Dragon, Carol and last but least EdTrain. Have fun and I expect to read 7 fascinating facts about each and every one of you.

Tags: 360 import, online test, birds
Prev: Entry for July 11, 2007, 360 import,Budgie Update
Next: Entry for July 13, 2007, 360 import, computer meltdown and Panic!!

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