Wednesday 12 September 2012

360 no 9

Jun 17, '07 4:51 AM for loretta's contacts

So Please, someone tell me..... is this real??? OR.. is it just another 'fixed' photo like the so called 'hands of god' photo. It's just so clever what you can do these days with such a small and readily, available amount of technology. If such a successfull con can be achieved with so little effort think what good and positive things could so easily be achieved with equally minimal effort if only we were so inclined, (which collectively, we are absolutely NOT). What a shame our talents are so often wasted and not put to better use. Altering a photo is probably a trivial thing but it's difficult enough these days deciding what is and what is not 'real' without people going around deliberately confusing the two. The question of what is and what ain't 'real' in this world of crazy consumerism, greedy, gold, grabbing gits and entire populations of people hell bent on destroying what is left our beautiful planet; And where any sense of 'real' values just seem to have gone into reverse, the whole question of 'reality', just seems so uncertain. Which is perhaps a tad too much of a rant to be triggered by a photo. But, well, I just think it is indicative of our times that someone, somewhere at sometime, DID fix the photo and in doing so eroded a little more of what is left of our faith in people to be honest. Or maybe I'm just having a bad day and need someone\thing to go off on one about, who knows? BUT...... I would still like to know

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