Wednesday 12 September 2012

360 no 15

    Entry for July 07, 2007 , 360 import, update Needle injury
Jul 7, '07 10:08 AM
for loretta's contacts
Needle Injury  update
So many of you have asked to be kept informed about this situation I thought it was about time for an update. The young mother in question has asked me not to identify her and so I shall refer to them as Gemma (the mother) and Katie (the daughter).
Katie does seem a bit more settled now and out of sheer desperation Gemma has started to allow both children to play outside again, she checks her garden before she lets them out and is always keeps a very close eye on them. This is summer holiday season and it is virtually impossible to keep a 5 year old and a 3 year old indoors for 6 weeks. Unfortunately Katie will have to go back to the hospital for more injections and when the time comes this is going to bring back all the upset and trauma. Gemma has not taken Katie back for her blood tests yet, she thinks that will be easier to deal with once she has been moved out of the area and is hopefull a little more settled. She just feels there is too much to cope with at the moment with out the additional stress of blood tests and then waiting for results. We have sent the original letter to a few more people in an effort to gain recognition of the situation and support for the family.
So far the only response to this letter has been from Andrew Welsh MSP for Angus and we are obviously very grateful for his concern and involvement.
With his support we hope to achieve two things, firstly Gemma’s family really must be rehoused away from this area. Gemma is hoping to be offered housing out of this town and into another of the Angus towns where the Local Authority have property to let. Much as she wants to see her neighbour brought to justice, she is aware of the danger of reprisals from the drug dealer and/or the drug dealer’s friends. Gemma is quite frightened of the possible consequences for herself and her children, of speaking out against this woman and would feel safer if she were to be rehoused into another town. The second thing Gemma hopes to achieve is to have the drug dealer arrested, charged, convicted and sentenced for dealing drugs. With the involvement of the MSP and hopefully the Chief Constable (who we have not actually had a response from yet), both of these two objectives may be possible.
Gemma is also aware of the enormous amount of support there is for her in the wider community and has asked me to convey her heartfelt thanks to everyone who has wished her well and taken an interest in her situation. She has also asked mE to show you all a copy of the letter sent to her by Andrew Welsh MSP for Angus.
The Scottish
6 July 2007-07-07
Dear Mrs ……………..
Thank you for sending me a copy of your letter outlining your concerns about the situation in the vicinity of your home in ……. Road.
I certainly understand the concerns which you express and I have already been in contact with both Angus Council and Tayside Police regarding problems in the …… Road area and am awaiting responses to my enquiries.
I will also liaise with my Council colleagues regarding this situation and appreciate you contacting me in this way.
Yours sincerely
Andrew Welsh
MSP for Angus
ANDREW WELSH, MA (Hons), DipEd, Dip French
Member of the Scottish Parliament for Angus.
Gemma knows how many people have offered support and wanted me to include contact details for Andrew Welsh MSP and for John Vine Chief Constable for those of you who have asked. She is very grateful for everyone’s support and good wishes. As soon as there are any further developments, I shall let you all know.
Contact Details
Contact Details for Andrew Welsh MSP
Constituents can contact their MSP via these contact details

Andrew Welsh MSP
31 Market Place
DD11 1HR         Constituents and non-constituents can contact this MSP via these contact details

Andrew Welsh MSP
The Scottish Parliament
EH99 1SP

Telephone: 01241 439 369
RNID TypeTalk calls welcome
Fax: 01241 871561       
Fax: 0131 348 5677

Holyrood E-mail:

Constituency E-mail:

Contact Details
Contact Details Chief Constable, Mr John Vine
Chief Constable Mr John Vine, CBE, QPM, BA, MSc, FCIPD
Police Headquarters
West Bell Street
Tags: disgarded needles, mental health, health
Prev: Entry for July 05, 2007, 360 import, Draculars castle,
Next: Entry for July 10, 2007 , 360 import, Budgie Alert, help needed,

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