Wednesday 12 September 2012

360 no 40

Entry for December 20, 2007, 360 import, Christmas letter to santa
Dec 20, '07 9:30 AM
for loretta's contacts
You probably don't get many letters from grown-ups but there are some things I really do need. You must be awful busy with all those kids but I would be so grateful if you could let me have some stuff too.
Just like all those kids, I spend the whole year trying to be good and ...... well to be honest I'm not that successful. But I do try, so I just hope you can overlook the times when I haven't been that good. It's usually stuff like getting mad and yelling at people, I never mean too but I just find people so difficult at times, I'm a grown up so I know there is no real excuse for getting mad and yelling at people, but I do find it all so difficult. And that brings me to the stuff I really do need for Christmas;
Santa I need to find a way of living my life without leaving this enormous Eco-footprint that seems to follow me around.
I need to find a way of surviving and working that does not contribute to the inequalities and injustices of the world.
I need to find a place to live where there are like minded people who understand why constantly buying new things is not good, who can relate buying fashion clothes at rock bottom prices to sweat shops and child labour, who are thoughtful and considerate toward their environment and who instinctively understand the principles of 'reduce, reuse and recycle.
I need to live some place where there are no racists, homophobics xenophobes, misogynists or bigots of any kind (these are the people I yell at most)
I need to be free of people who deliberately gossip, bitch about and deride others at the slightest opportunity (I think I maybe yell at them more).
I need to find a way of contributing that is valued in ways other than monetary.
I am a grown up and I live on my own. I have no one who depends on me so I really could go anywhere you find these things for me.
This is my Christmas list Santa.
PS............ OK....... sometimes I yell just because I'm bad tempered, sorry for that. Can I have my wish list anyway please. If you manage to stop by my hoose on your way around the world I will have hot mince pies and wee dram waiting for you and carrots n' neeps for Rudolph.
Thank you Santa
Tags: 360 import, christmas
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