Wednesday 12 September 2012

360 no 4

Entry for May 29, 2007, 360 import, Red Castle,
May 29, '07 1:34 PM
for loretta's contacts
Fun day at work today!! well actually not, my turn to accompany 7 15 year olds on a visit for the day, oh what fun that was, least said the better me thinks. As always vast majority of the kids are great but you always get one gobby little git who ruins the day for every one else. This particular gobby little git has a bit of an entourage, those who are prone to follow mindlessly. Needless to say; said gobby little git will not be going back for a second day and without her the sheep like entourage may begin to understand the fundamentals of group work. Fortunately gobby little git plus sheep like entourage are almost 16, oh the joy, this means we are not obligated to take her (or the gobby little gits in training) back next term. Do all 15/16 year olds have the propensity to imitate embryonic psychopaths or are we just lucky, lucky, lucky to have found so many??
However, now that work is over and I am de-stressed sufficiently to contemplate the more pleasant things in life, my thoughts turn yet again to the beautiful ruinous buildings, tower houses and castles of Scotland. And my choice for today is RED CASTLE.
Over looking Lunan Bay on the North East coast of Angus, Red Castle is just over 2 miles north east of Inverkeilor. Another ‘Castle’ which was actually a Tower House but this time it’s position does indicate that it was built with defence in mind. In a position like this a building would not need to be a full blown ‘Castle’ to deter would be attackers and assorted enemies. This Tower House is completely ruinous and will, in the very near future, totally disappear down the side of the sheer cliff where it's now perched most precariously, it's hanging in there by its fingernails. The ruins of this Tower House, built with the local red sandstone date from roundabout the 15th Century. The lands of Inverkeilor, on which the ruins of the Tower House stand, were granted to Walter de Berkeley, the royal chamberlain of William The Lion. On Walter's death in 1194, the property passed, via his daughter, to the Balliol family the probable builders of the first stone dwelling on that site. During the Wars of Independence the castle was granted to Donald Campbell who sold the lands on to the Stewarts, and it was the Stewarts who built the Tower House, the ruins of which we are left with today.
,Red Castle overlooks Lunan Bay which is just south of Montrose, somewhere between Boddin Point and the Lang Craig. Lunan Water flows out to the bay just near the tiny village of Lunan and here the beach is absolutely owe inspiring, there is just nothing to compare. Puffins nest up in the cliffs and the beach is this immense expanse of white sand edged by dunes and cliffs. It’s a bit of a hike to get up to the castle but oh is it worth it. Anyone intending to pay it a visit would be well advised to go sooner rather than later as it really can't hang on to that cliff edge for very much longer.
Tags: 360 import, environment, red castle, lunan, scotland, architecture
Prev: Entry for May 28, 2007, 360 import, Edzell Castle
Next: Entry for June 02, 2007, 360 import, Kelburn Castle,

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